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Print Wizard

I am getting a printer error.

Printer errors, especially those in the 5000 range, usually indicate that we are sending data to the printer that the printer cannot understand. A good example would be sending PCL codes to a non-PCL printer or sending Okidata escape sequences to an H/P Laserjet, or sending raw data to a Windows-only-printer.

By default, the Print Wizard engine will determine if the file contains printer-specific escape sequences and then try to send the data in either spooler or raw print level. Many Windows-only printers cannot accept raw data and this will cause a printer error.

How do I include PWML in my file?

PWML, Print Wizard Markup Language, can be added to the beginning of any file directly in the data stream or by specifying a PWML print "init" file. Print "init" files can be specified in a print profile file as well, or can be referenced on the command-line for the Print Wizard engine to use:

C:\Program files\Printwiz30\printwiz.exe /vinit=myinit.txt myfiletoprint

How do I create a SPL (spool) file?

This is not as easy as creating a PCL file. A SPL file is created when a print job spools out what is called EMF files to the printer spooler.

First locate the spool directory, usually "\windows\system32\spool\printers". Under Windows NT, it may instead be "\winnt\system32\spool\printers" or "\winnt\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Printers". On some versions you can configure Windows to use a different directory for all printers, or for a specific printer.

To find your PC's general spool directory:

My overlay does not fit the page.

Specific printer and printer drivers have differing unprintable areas. Along with this, there are also the issues of margins. Some of this can be controlled by PWML code in an "init" file, or by setting items in the printer driver itself. Getting overlays to fit properly can be a chore. We can help. Give us a call and we can usually come up with a solution.

My overlay is not printing cleanly.

Overlay files either need to be in the format of a PWML file, a PCL file or a graphics file (TIFF, JPG, GIF, WMF or BMP). The problem with the graphic file formats is they may not appear clean if they were not scanned or created at the proper resolution for the printer, including the proper offsets for margins, etc. This may be a problem if you plan on moving this overlay between specific printers. A better approach is to utilize a PCL file if you can.

How do I create a PDF?

The Print Wizard engine allows you to convert any printable file into a PDF file by simply printing it with the appropriate switch settings:

Printwiz.exe /pdf /fFilename.pdf myfilename Printwiz.exe /fpdf:// myfilename Printwiz.exe /fpdf://myfilename myfilename

You can also generate PDF files through the user interface menu items.

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