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Windows Vista and Anzio

The latest versions of AnzioWin and Anzio Lite work well with Vista and are designed to take advantage of several new features.We are working to identify others that may be useful and as we determine them, we do add them in.

The good news is that there are no major issues. Read on for possible issues and advantages.

  • If you wish all users to have access to Anzio, the Anzio setup program will need to be ran as an Administrator in order to install in the default location with the necessary support files.

NOTE: Even if you are logged in as the Administrator, when you run the downloaded program you are not running with elevated privileges when working on Windows Vista. To do this correctly, you should follow these steps:

a) When you click to download Anzio Lite or AnzioWin's setup program, and you are asked if you want to Save or Run from the web server, on Windows Vista do a Save. Save it to your Desktop or to another Download area, but note what folder the file ends up in.

b) Once the download is complete, through Windows Explorer go to the Folder (or the Desktop) where the setup program was saved and with the mouse Right-Click and do a "Run as Administrator".

This is the method you need to use, even if you are logged in as an Administrator, in order to gain the elevated privileges necessary to do the install for all users.

  • Many Vista systems will have features adopted from the TabletPC, including more markup features in the main window and the Print Preview window.

  • Identified minor problems in Alt-Tab thumbnails, taskbar thumbnails, and Windows-Tab (Flip-3D) thumbnails.

  • Online help system (from Help menu) no longer works.

  • Cosmetic problems when using Consolas font on screen.

  • Settings files and keys files can not be saved anywhere in the "\Program Files" directory tree, which is where they normally are saved. Vista's compatibility procedures work to make it appear that this happens, but the files are actually saved under "\Users", and virtualized. Anzio works fine, the files are found the next time, but this could lead to confusion if you try to work from outside Anzio, such as manually editing a settings file.

  • You may need to tell Windows to allow Anzio to open a connection through the firewall. The prior firewall, in Windows XP SP2, blocked only incoming connections, where Vista blocks outgoing connections also.

  • The path name associated with special names such as "My documents" may be changed.

  • Entering your license information (serial number and license activation code) for all users to gain access.

NOTE: In order to apply your license information to activate Anzio Lite or AnzioWin, you should be logged in as Administrator.

If you have other users on your Windows Vista PC that will be using Anzio Lite or AnzioWin, and they have any restrictions, then you may run into an additional problem where each user MAY be asked to re-enter the license code each time. As stated earlier, even if you are logged in as the Administrator, when you run an application you are not running with elevated privileges when working on Windows Vista.

There are a couple of options here:

Option 1:

a) Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the Anzio folder (probably found under "c:\Program Files\Anzio16".

b) Right-click with the mouse on "anzio32r.exe" (for Anzio Lite) or "anzio32.exe" (for AnzioWin) and do a "Run as Administrator".

c) Now enter your license information, close Anzio and restart it as your normal user or Administrator.

Option 2:

a) Logged in as Administrator, use Notepad to create an empty file in the Anzio directory (usually c:\Program Files\Anzio16) called "ser.ini".

b) Bring up Anzio Lite or AnzioWin and enter your license code.

c) Log back in as a normal user and see if this works. If not, log back in as Administrator and make sure that all users have access to this file (right-click on the "ser.ini" file and go to Properties to check its permissions).


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