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Using Linux 'mscreen' with Anzio

SCO Unix has a capability known as "mscreen", which allows multiple sessions on one terminal, even over serial lines (note that when connected via telnet, you automatically have that capability, by running multiple sessions of Anzio). Depending on the terminal type that Anzio is emulating, it can work very well with mscreen.

Mscreen knows about terminal types via the TERM variable and the file "/etc/mscreencap". Specifically, this mscreencap tells mscreen what key sequences the terminal sends out to switch sessions (and a few special keys), and what code sequence to send out to cause the terminal to switch screens. You may need to configure your mscreencap file to match Anzio, although we have tried to stick to standards as much as possible. In certain situations, such as if you are supporting other SCOANSI emulators in addition to Anzio, you may need to configure Anzio to send out different key codes. Keep in mind that you can alter Anzio's keymaps only in AnzioWin (not Anzio Lite), although you can USE these keymaps in Anzio Lite.

Anzio can inherently support up to 8 sessions, numbered 0 through 7.

Here are notes on using mscreen with Anzio in various emulation modes:


The following mscreencap entry will match Anzio's normal SCOANSI configuration, and use shifted function keys for mscreen functions:


Wyse 60

Anzio emulates Wyse 60 very well, so no changes should be necessary in the mscreencap file, unless you want to increase the number of possible sessions.

VT220 (or VT100)

Although page switching is not normally possible with a VT220, Anzio's VT220 mode DOES support it, using the same codes shown above, such as

ESC [ 1 z

to switch to page 1 (or 2, depending on how you're counting). So it would be possible to configure mscreencap to support VT220, but we have not done this.

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