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What is the Anzio Terminal Type?


The "Anzio" terminal type is a special terminal emulation designed by
Rasmussen Software, Inc. allowing color and other features to
be utilized with a standard vt220 emulation.

When Anzio is set for TERM VT220, we emulate the vt220 "dumb" terminal. However, there is much more that Anzio can do than the limited vt220 can. Also, the VT220 has strange function keys that are somewhat limiting, and no color support.

To get around this we have defined a special terminal type for UNIX called "ANZIO".


Many programs under UNIX (such as "vi", "sysadm", and some COBOL systems) use the "terminfo" data base to find information about terminals. So, if you create a terminfo entry for ANZIO, and then set your TERM variable to "ANZIO", you can take advantage of the expanded capabilities of ANZIO. And we've made it easy. There is included with ANZIO a file named "anzio.tic". This is a terminfo source file. Follow these steps to install and use it:

  1. Upload anzio.tic to your UNIX system (as a text file) using either the simple upload procedure defined in the manual, or one of the many PC to UNIX transfer utilities available.
    To "compile" anzio.tic, tell UNIX:      tic anzio.tic
  2. Set your TERM variable to anzio (upper or lower case). Tell UNIX:     
                              TERM=anzio;export TERM

Note that the ANZIO terminfo is intended for color PCs. There is also a file named ANZIO-M.TIC for monochrome PCs -- follow the above procedures using "anzio-m" instead of "anzio". Also, there is a variant called ANZIOWIN.TIC that implements some of the differences in Windows.The ANZIO terminfo includes definitions of many key combinations, such as . To make ANZIO send the correct sequences, use the ANZIOTIC.KYS file. Go to the Function line (either Ctrl-shift-f1 or Alt-M) and tell ANZIO:


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